We are offering free, accredited Guided Learning courses to individuals aged 25 plus who are long term unemployed or economically inactive that live in the unitary authorities Caerphilly or Carmarthenshire*
The purpose of this project is to assist people through education and training to help them improve their career prospects and gain employment.
Agored Cymru accredited courses on offer include:
• Personal Confidence & Self Awareness
• Mental Health and Stress
• Safeguarding Level 2 Customer Service
• Environmental Awareness
• Volunteering & Community Engagement
• Customer Service
All successful applicants will be awarded a Level 2 Award.
The Moving Forward Project also offers an unaccredited training opportunities.
• Training materials are provided upon registration
• 1 to 1 support will be provided (though not mandatory) through our Guided Learning programme.
• Each course requires a commitment of around 15/20 hrs over a period of 4 to 5 weeks
• Tutorials are provided at during the day and evenings, using electronic platforms such as ‘Zoom’, WhatsApp, telephone and email.
We also have our Limitless Project, for women in employment who live or work in the Caerphilly, Carmarthenshire, Blaenau Gwent, Pembrokeshire areas and our NatWest Project for unemployed women, living in Wales. Please don’t hesitate to contact me for more details.
Please follow this link to view further details about the project.